

Corporate Culture

Corporate Mission

Creating a Healthy Life through Technology.


Corporate Spirit

Integrity: We uphold our commitments and put our hearts into everything we do.

Diligence: We work hard, stay grounded, and persevere without shying away from difficulties. 

Cooperation: We advocate internal communication and external mutual benefits, creating a harmonious and coordinated atmosphere. 

Innovation: We continuously learn, surpass ourselves, draw on the strengths of others, and embrace challenges. 

Corporate Values

The survival space of a company is determined by its core competitiveness. The core values of SYSMED are identification, participation, and sharing. SYSMED advocates creating value and cultivating a sense of mission, responsibility, honor, and achievement. We consider employees who are capable, willing to contribute, and continuously improve themselves as talents. SYSMED advocates learning new ways of thinking through practice, adapting to constantly changing environments, and steadfastly building comprehensive execution capabilities for the entire company.

Business Philosophy

Our business philosophy is centered around people, collaboration, and sincere cooperation. We are market-oriented, with research and development as our foundation. We consider quality as our lifeblood and management as our guarantee. We continuously strive to enhance our competitiveness, remaining grounded and embracing innovation. We adapt to the market with speed, meet competition with quality, and maintain customer relationships through our reputation. As down-to-earth individuals, SYSMED employees have been leading the trend in the Chinese oxygen concentrator industry for a decade.

Competition Strategy


Team Style

越西县| 宁陵县| 独山县| 隆昌县| 合阳县| 正安县| 茶陵县| 法库县| 安康市| 扶沟县| 张北县| 盐亭县| 名山县| 二连浩特市| 屏边| 榆中县| 江油市| 山阴县| 保靖县| 连云港市| 淳化县| 闽清县| 英吉沙县| 万山特区| 巴林右旗| 团风县| 姚安县| 行唐县| 武平县| 马尔康县| 南昌市| 横山县| 容城县| 沛县| 吉水县| 罗城| 交城县| 贵定县| 葵青区| 拉孜县| 久治县|